Los alumnos de 4º grado junto con Miss Julie y Miss Ceci, realizaron una búsqueda del tesoro. Cada grupo escribió y escondió las pistas para que el otro encontrase. Con mucho entusiasmo subieron y bajaron escaleras, entraron y salieron de aulas, oficinas, el gimnasio y el comedor. Las pistas incluían indicaciones en Inglés tales como: “inside”, “behind”, “above”, “under”, “on”, “beside”, etc, ya que en inglés están aprendiendo preposiciones.


Miss Julie and Miss Ceci’s 4th forms were very busy hunting for treasure last Wednesday morning. Each group had written and hidden clues for the other group. Excitement was high as they went up and down stairs, in and out of classsrooms, offices, gyms and the dining room (permission had been granted previously!). They had to look “inside”, “behind”, “above”, “under”, “on” and “beside” things, to practise the prepositions they are learning in their English classes.

And finally…success! Well done, treasure hunters!